
6 Ways To Avoid Holiday Back Pain

Dec 13, 2022
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“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”… sang Andy Williams decades ago, but it still plays on those radiostations that start holiday music at Halloween. Maybe they do it just to give you a head start on stress.

6 Ways To Avoid Holiday Back Pain

Posted on December 13, 2022 by Palm Beach Pain Institute in Pain Prevention

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”… sang Andy Williams decades ago, but it still plays on those radiostations that start holiday music at Halloween. Maybe they do it just to give you a head start on stress. You know, the shopping, decorating, wrapping gifts, assembling toys, planning holiday dinners, and you can fill in the rest-stress. Somebody somewhere might be happy, but it’s certainly not you, especially if you have back issues. Keep reading for 6 ways to avoid holiday back pain.

Get By With A Little Help From Your Friends

Decorating the outside of your house should be done with a friend, preferably a younger friend. Climbing ladders, looking up, reaching to hang lights, and placing large ornaments can all cause you to twist, turn, and bend in the wrong way. Be mindful of how you can hurt your back and your neck.

The same goes for a tree. Whether you are traditional and get a live one every year, or you have succumbed to an artificial one, don’t try to do it yourself. Plus, this is a fun holiday tradition so put some music on, have an adult beverage, and enjoy this whimsical event with family.

Remember What You Learned About Lifting

We all want to think we can lift heavy objects by ourselves. Maybe in our teens we could! Really pay attention to the correct way to lift because there will always be something heavy during the holidays.

  • Rely on your legs to avoid holiday back pain. Don’t bend down to pick up something heavy. Keep your back straight.
  • Keep a heavy item close to your body. Do not lean forward, backward, or to the side. That’s the way to affect your spine alignment.
  • Use a step stool or a chair to hang holiday decorations on the ceiling or up high.

Remember The Internet

Why stress yourself and your back shopping at the mall? Everything you could possibly want is online. Shop there to avoid holiday back pain.

Manage Stress

Easy to say, right? It can be done. Stay organized. Break tasks into smaller pieces. Being stressed can cause your back and muscles to tense up. Stop and take breaks.

Don’t Overeat

It is so tempting with all those holiday dinners and cookies. Gaining a lot of weight will only cause more back pain. Drink lots of water. During the holidays we can actually forget to stay hydrated.

Relax And Enjoy

Don’t become a whirling dervish during the holidays. Stop, and enjoy your relatives and friends. Everything will get accomplished, and if it doesn’t, no one will notice.

Schedule an appointment with Palm Beach Pain Institute in Palm Beach, FL if you manage to hurt your back or neck. Call (561) 499-7020 to schedule today.