
Neck Pain

Neck Pain services offered in Delray Beach, FL

Neck Pain

Many people near Delray Beach, Florida, experience neck pains and discomfort throughout their lifetime. This pain may be correlated to a recent injury or strain, or it may be a chronic condition that has affected you every day. Whatever the cause, there are treatment options available from Palm Beach Pain Institute to help you find chronic neck pain relief. Board-certified physician, Dr. Marcie A. Merson, MD, was trained at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and North Shore University Hospital. Call our pain management clinic today or request an appointment online.

What causes neck pain?

Most cases of neck pain are mild and will resolve themselves with adequate rest and minor at-home treatments like regularly applying ice to the affected area.

Muscle strain

We often push our bodies beyond their regular physical activity levels, which can often result in pulled muscles. It is also possible for these types of strains to develop from chronic habits such as poor posture while sitting at a computer or even while looking down at a book you are reading.


Over time, it is only natural that our bodies experience some wear and tear, which often affects the joints, including those of the neck. When the cartilage between the cervical vertebrae begins to break down, it is expected for the neck to become more stiff and difficult to move.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation of any joint throughout the body. When this condition occurs in the neck, individuals typically experience issues with pain, limited mobility, and decreased function of the neck.

A similar condition called fibromyalgia can also lead to neck pain, as it often causes muscle pains within the upper body.

What are the more serious causes of neck pain?

In some instances, neck pain can be an indicator of a severe condition of the neck that requires early intervention and treatment.

A compressed nerve

If a cervical disk becomes herniated, ruptured, or has slipped, this protruding disk can begin pressing on a nearby nerve. This pressure is often extremely painful and may also weaken nearby neck muscles.

Whiplash injury

Common in automobile accidents, whiplash is a condition that occurs when the neck has been overextended through rapid back-and-forth motion. This injury must be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional, who will be able to prescribe an appropriate method of treatment that should resolve the issue in a matter of weeks.

Spinal stenosis

Often the result of another condition such as chronic arthritis or scoliosis, spinal stenosis describes the narrowing of the spinal column. When this occurs, it is common for the reduction in space to put increasing amounts of pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots, which results in significant amounts of pain all along the spine.

Neck cancer

It is also possible for persistent neck pain to be a symptom of cancer that is likely affecting the head and neck region. This pain is often accompanied by a nearby lump or sore that is unable to heal.

Neck pain symptoms you shouldn’t ignore

It is important to remember that your neck pain is probably not the result of some serious condition, but if it becomes a recurring issue, you should see a specialist to accurately diagnose the condition. If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms in addition to your neck pain, please contact Dr. Merson immediately for a consultation:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of control over the bowels or bladder
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Recurrent headaches
  • A noticeable lump
  • Inability to touch the chin to the chest
  • Severe pain that is brought on by an unknown cause
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Radiating pain down your arms or legs
  • Sudden inability to move your arms or hands

How can neck pain be treated?

Depending on the underlying cause of your neck pain, Dr. Merson will advise a course of treatment based on your unique needs and symptoms. 

Most cases can be treated using simple preventative measures and at-home treatments, though severe cases will likely require additional diagnostic testing to reveal which solution is ideal. Some treatment options performed by Dr. Merson at her Delray Beach office include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Spinal cord stimulation (SCS)
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Posture-strengthening exercises

Whether it’s severe or minor, stiff neck pain can make the smallest tasks, including daily job-related tasks, feel insurmountable. 

At Palm Beach Pain Institute, Marcie A. Merson, MD, is committed to helping men and women living in and around Delray Beach, Florida, find ways of eliminating neck pain through comprehensive diagnostic care and individualized treatment options. 

Call the office or request an appointment online today to learn more about non-surgical treatments to relieve neck pain.