
Medication Management

Medication Management services offered in Delray Beach, FL

Medication Management

Medications are often a part of a comprehensive pain management plan. To ensure you’re using the most effective medications at the right dosage, Palm Beach Pain Institute offers customized medication management services. Board-certified pain management physician Marcie Merson, MD, reviews all of the drugs you use regularly to identify conflicts before they affect your health. Dr. Merson also carefully monitors your progress to lower risk factors for opioid use disorder and other potentially life-threatening complications. Call the office in Delray Beach, Florida, to schedule a medication management appointment or request a consultation online today. 

What is medication management?

Medication management includes services that protect you from complications that arise from the misuse of opioids and other prescription medications. Misuse of certain drugs can occur when you underdose, overdose, or use medications outside of a physician’s recommendations.

Palm Beach Pain Institute provides personalized medication management services for adults and adolescents to ensure you’re getting the most out of your medication-assisted treatment plan.

Dr. Merson helps you use needed medications properly. She also confirms that the dosage you’re using provides effective relief of chronic pain and other symptoms.

When should I schedule a medication management consultation?

Schedule a medication management consultation at Palm Beach Pain Institute if you regularly take medications to manage chronic pain from conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Headaches
  • Herniated discs
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Facet syndrome
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Peripheral neuropathy

You can also benefit from medication management if you need prescription drugs to manage chronic health issues, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) or heart disease. 

Medical supervision of prescription drug use is critical, especially when you take multiple drugs regularly. This is because certain medications can trigger adverse reactions when you use them at the same time.

What are the benefits of medication management?

Palm Beach Pain Institute’s pain management services prioritize your health and safety and can prevent unintended complications, including opioid use disorder.

Opioid use disorder describes a dependence on the opioid medications you take to manage chronic pain conditions. 

A dependence forms when your brain develops a reliance on the medications, so it becomes increasingly difficult to stop using the drug without uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, including tremors, nausea, and cognitive dysfunction. 

Dr. Merson ensures that all of the medications you take support lasting symptom relief and won’t put you at risk for addiction. She also evaluates every drug you take, including prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications and dietary supplements, to identify conflicts before they cause health complications.

Under Dr. Merson’s careful supervision, you can feel confident that the medicines you take are working well. She also adjusts the dosage you take as needed to maximize your pain relief and can recommend alternative strategies to reduce your reliance on certain drugs.

Call Palm Beach Pain Institute to schedule a medication management consultation, or book an appointment online today.