
What Does A Pain Management Doctor Do?

Apr 08, 2022
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No one should live with pain. No one should have pain interfere with their life, and no one should be saddled with pain for long periods of time. It is possible to take control of your pain and your life by seeing a pain specialist.

What Does A Pain Management Doctor Do?

Posted on April 8, 2022 by Palm Beach Pain Institute in Chronic Pain, News, Pain Management

No one should live with pain. No one should have pain interfere with their life, and no one should be saddled with pain for long periods of time. It is possible to take control of your pain and your life by seeing a pain specialist.

The Negative Cycle Of Pain

Many people live with pain from mild to severe, short term to chronic. It typically results in less activity, unhappiness, and just more pain.

You can suffer with pain, to being less active, to weak muscles and joint stiffness, to sleep problems and fatigue, to depression, to weight gain, to time off from work, to money worries, to more pain and anxiety.

In order to break the cycle, you need the help of a specialist in pain management like Palm Beach Pain Institute in Palm Beach, FL.

When To See A Pain Management Doctor

If you have been in an accident or have chronic pain from cancer, arthritis, or other joint ailments, it may be time to see a pain specialist.

If your pain is affecting your everyday life causing you to miss activities you love and to stay at home feeling depressed, it may be time to see a pain specialist.

If your pain has persisted for three months or longer and no other intervention has helped, it may be time to see a pain specialist.

The Role Of A Pain Management Doctor

Pain specialists are highly trained in their individual fields, and they have three main purposes:

  • To diagnose the cause of your pain and the underlying conditions leading to it
  • To coordinate with other healthcare providers and to perform the necessary treatments
  • To assure the ongoing care for pain patients

They deal with lower back pain, knee pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, head and migraine pain, sciatica, knee and hip pain just to name a few sources of pain. If you suffer with these types of issues, it might be time to see a pain specialist.

A pain management doctor may use a wide range of non-surgical treatments and therapies as a way to reduce the amount of medications you take. They may suggest massage, weight loss regimens, acupuncture, yoga, PT, meditation, dietary changes and chiropractic care.

They may recommend other treatments or therapies like steroid injections, nerve blocks, joint injections, radiofrequency ablations, spinal cord stimulants.

Since no one remedy may cure your pain, Palm Beach Pain Institute will combine multiple therapies to find the right mix.

If none of the many interventions are successful, surgery could be the option of last resort.

You don’t have to live with pain! Contact Palm Beach Pain Institute at (561) 499-7020 if you need treatment by a pain management doctor.