
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Your Whiplash Symptoms

Jun 24, 2024
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Your Whiplash Symptoms

Don’t ignore the signs if you’re experiencing neck pain after an injury. Keep reading to discover why addressing whiplash symptoms is crucial for your long-term health.

Have you suddenly jolted your neck recently, maybe from a car accident or sports injury? This experience could result in whiplash, a common neck injury that can have critical consequences if left unchecked. 

Although ignoring whiplash symptoms might seem tempting, especially if the pain seems manageable at first, board-certified pain management physician Marcie Merson, MD, at Palm Beach Pain Institute in Delray Beach, Florida, knows firsthand the importance of addressing and treating your symptoms as soon as possible.

Understanding why you should never ignore your whiplash symptoms is crucial for your long-term health and well-being. 

Understanding whiplash 

First and foremost, whiplash occurs when your neck is suddenly forced forward and then snapped backward, just like the motion of a whip. This rapid movement can cause symptoms that appear right after your injury and also over the next few days: 

Neck pain and stiffness

This symptom is often the most immediate and apparent sign. 


Headache pain radiates upwards, usually starting at the base of the skull.

Shoulder and back pain 

This pain is due to the interconnected nature of ligaments and muscles. 

Short-term consequences of ignoring whiplash

Don’t ignore the signs — whiplash symptoms can lead to several immediate health issues: 

Increased pain

Initial mild discomfort can escalate into severe, chronic pain. 

Reduced mobility

Stiffness and pain can limit your range of motion, affecting your daily activities.

Headaches and dizziness

Persistent headaches and dizziness can interfere with concentration and overall quality of life. 

Long-term health risks 

Addressing your early symptoms of whiplash can prevent them from worsening and turning into something much more challenging to treat. Consider the following long-term risks of ignoring your symptoms: 

Chronic pain

Untreated whiplash can lead to long-lasting neck pain and discomfort. 

Nerve damage 

Prolonged compression of nerves in your neck can cause permanent damage, leading to numbness and weakness. 

Degenerative changes 

Continuous strain and injury to your neck muscles and ligaments can contribute to early degenerative changes, like arthritis

Seeking treatment and recovery 

When resolving your whiplash symptoms and getting back on your feet, taking action with proper treatment can significantly speed up your recovery process and improve your overall outcome. Here’s what you can do: 

Consult with a professional

Seek advice from Dr. Merson to assess the extent of your injury. 

Physical therapy 

Engage in prescribed exercises to strengthen your neck muscles and improve flexibility.

Pain management

Don’t forget to take your prescribed medications or therapies to manage your pain and reduce inflammation. 

Rest and recovery 

Give your body time to heal, avoiding activities that might exacerbate your symptoms. 

Ignoring whiplash symptoms can lead to vital short-term and long-term health issues, from chronic pain to nerve damage. Understanding the importance of early treatment and intervention can make all the difference in your recovery journey. 

If you’ve experienced a neck injury, don’t wait — call our office at 561-499-7020 or use our online booking tool to request an appointment with Dr. Merson today!